The Local Crank

Musings & Sardonic Commentary on Politics, Religion, Culture & Native American Issues. Bringing you the finest in radioactive screeds since 2002! "The Local Crank" newspaper column is distributed by Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc.

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Location: Cleburne, Texas, United States

Just a simple Cherokee trial lawyer, Barkman has been forcing his opinions on others in print since, for reasons that passeth understanding, he was an unsuccessful candidate for state representative in 2002. His philosophy: "If people had wanted me to be nice, they should've voted for me."

Monday, January 30, 2006

One View of the Alito Confirmation Fight

From The Bull Moose. Not sure I agree, though. Why is it that it's always "political suicide" when Democrats play to their base (and the Democratic base is strenuously arguing that the opposition to Alito was too tepid), but when Republicans play to their base (Terri Schiavo, for example), that's given a by?
Here are some other views, courteously compiled by The Reaction.



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